Royal Docks

It is not everyday that you get to take such a central yet unloved Brownfield plot and re-energise it, creating a valuable contribution to the local area. The Royal Docks is experiencing a major regeneration initiative, where older elements of industry are being replaced by luxury river-front homes and high-end brand centres. Royal Docks Service Station is a future residential development on the frontier of this new endeavour and hopes to encourage new development to continue further east, connecting established communities with these exciting new neighbourhoods. The formula follows a successful, ‘tried and tested’ urban typology – that of a perimeter block enclosing communal gardens. The height and size of the development has been greatly informed by the local context, ensuring the proposals knit into their surroundings and positively contribute to the urban form of the emerging district.

The redevelopment of a former petrol station into a new residential urban block, located in the heart of the Royal Docks.

Royal Docks

Client Galliard Homes
Floor Area (sqft) 290,000
Sector Residential
Construction Value -
Status Construction
Units 307
Dates 2017
Storeys 5 - 13
Location -
Awards -

The proposal


Photo of Royal DocksRoyal Docks

The redevelopment of a former petrol station.

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